And a high-resolution screen such as the one found on the Apple MacBook Pro provides more detail when you're cropping photos or zooming in on a high-megapixel image. Obviously, the larger the size, the more room you have to view your images and edit them. The size and resolution of the laptop screen is another key consideration when looking for the best laptops for photographers. Then, use a large hard drive to store the photos you’ve completed.
However, for TVs that are 32 inches or smaller, you wont see much difference between pictures on 1080p and 720p displays. If the monitor then turns out to be a 1080p, most monitors will upconvert the 720 image to 1080, although the image quality will be slightly reduced. A 1080p device offers the best resolution and viewing experience. If youre not sure what the native resolution is going to be at the time of creation of the DVD, then use 1280x720.

One way to get the best of both worlds is to buy a 256GB or 512GB solid-state drive for photo editing. The 720p and 1080i models rely on old technology that is gradually giving way to higher-resolution options. They offer less capacity, though, and are more expensive than hard drives. Solid-state drives provide much quicker performance than hard drives. In the past, you really had only one option: external hard drives, which are available in high capacities, such as 1, 2, 4, and more terabytes.

You’ll also want to consider what type of storage to buy. Most photographers will want 8GB or more. Another important decision is how much memory (RAM) to get. It's important to have a fast processor, such as an Intel Core i5 or AMD A10, particularly if you’re working with lots of files at once or doing extensive editing in Adobe Photoshop or other image editors-otherwise, your system may behave sluggishly.